Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Samsung Note-2 Cell Phone Sketches

Here are a few of my sketches using the Picasso App.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Crater Lake

A new watercolor I did for some friends who just returned from their vacation, one stop being at this location. The photo was so beautiful I just had to watercolor it. That's the wife sitting on the stone wall.

Monday, August 12, 2013


This is my new rescue dog, Zelly. He is a Flat-coated Retriever commonly called a "Flattie".  He is the most laid back dog I've ever seen (which I understand is typical of this breed). He never gets excited and easily obeys all commands. He is WONDERFUL!!! Of course I'm not prejudiced.  I am showing a very quick watercolor of him at rest. It is also a trait of this breed that they sleep on their backs with their legs in the air (not very modest but cute). He does this quite often.

I finally have completed my watercolors to be exhibited at the Leslie Powell Gallery in Lawton, Oklahoma. There will be 22 pictures in all. Now, it is time to get back to doing some new blogs. Sorry I have been unable to post anything for some time.

The Turquoise Highway Gate, located in New Mexico between Santa Fe and Madrid on the "Turqoiuse Highway".

This gate sits in the middle of nowhere and always gets a second glance from those that pass it. It is ancient and well rusted but stands as a beautiful testimony to the abundant types of art seen throughout the area. I painted this from a picture my wife took several years ago and a different view of it will be included in my upcoming show.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


I want to apologize for a lack of any new blogs. I am in the process of preparing for my show in September and October at the Leslie Powell Gallery here in Lawton Oklahoma and I want the 20 to 30 paintings to be new and un-posted. I have a few new watercolors which I will be posting on this blog in the up-coming weeks and months. Please bear with me. Thanks.

Friday, December 21, 2012


A few weeks ago a friend posted a photo of a lighthouse during a strong storm and I thought it would make a great watercolor. Until recently my schedule hasn't allowed me to finish it. Here is the completed painting.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Beautiful Strata

This morning I was trying out my "Inktense Watercolor Pencils" and I ended up with a sketch I titled "Beautiful Strata". They are fun to work with and as the name implies, they are "intense". This picture was drawn using every color pencil in the box along with ink.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Gondola Falls

In this sketch, I used Noodler's Golden Brown water-soluble ink and watercolors. I was experimenting with the ink because it is very close to the color of the granite outcrops in the area. The lake just above the falls is named Gondola Lake and Mt Scott can be seen in the background. The scene is as depicted across Medicine Creek from the creek walk.

The ink was applied using a bamboo stick.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


My wife's favorite color is red so when she saw a red floral arrangement photographed in a magazine, she "suggested" I paint it in watercolor for her. I have done my husbandly duty.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Lazy Lagoon

This is a watercolor I couldn't resist painting once I saw the photo. It would have been great to do it plein air but unfortunately all I had was the picture. Love to be on that boat!!