This old schoolhouse is located in the northwest corner of Comanche County. The roof has caved in since the photo I used was made. It is the oldest schoolhouse in Comanche County.
This is a picture of our home drawn entirely with a sharpened bamboo stick using Noodlers black bulletproof ink. It was an interesting experiment and a lot of fun. I finished it off with light watercolor washes.
The old Meers Restaurant with the best hamburger in Oklahoma. You just hope the building doesn't fall in while you're eating there. Located in the Wichita Mountains, the lines to eat stretch into the street in the summer months.
This is the famous unsupported stairway in the Chapel in Santa Fe. Architects have for years been unable to understand the mechanics that enabled the building of this circular stairway. If you Google it there is a detailed very interesting story worth reading. It is amazing!